Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Blast Off in Social-Media

     Today was the beginning of my foray into the world of technological media.  The trip has been fraught with a number of beasts to be slain-- and I left many broken, bruised, and battered electronic devices in my wake...
    Well, truth-be-told it was less the devices that were battered bruised and broken, so much as my fragile ego.  I was under the misapprehension that I could spread my wings wide and take on this "Writing for Social-Media" class head-on, that in a snap I would be able to master all the world-wide-web had to offer and freelance offers would fall from the heavens... no such luck.  A web-site built primarily for children beat me to a bloody pulp (figuratively of course) over the course of the past three days, and I am now drowning in additional work.  Thank you Glogster for making me truly feel my age... and thank-you for sending my feminist "I am woman, hear me roar" mentality into a permanent back-pedal (it is for reasons such as this that I formerly left all the technological-matters to my ex-- ha, ha).  I think I am going to head into the kitchen and take my frustrations out on one of the few pieces of electronics that I have no problem with: The fridge!!
    So, Glogster, these next couple pounds are FOR YOU!!

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